Education News by xinyan&meixuan


Summary: A move to make all schools include cleaning activities by the end of the year could bring long-term benefits to both students and the community, according to education experts and sociologists. The scheme will help build character, cultivate a sense of ownership and spill over to the home environment. Last Thursday, the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced that students in primary and secondary schools here, as well as those in junior colleges, will have to spend at least a few minutes each day cleaning classrooms, canteens and corridors. The aim, according to the ministry, is to help them cultivate good habits for life. Schools are given the flexibility to decide on what these daily activities should be and when they take place.

Opinion: We feel that the move is good as it cultivates a habit of cleaning from young. Students get to learn to be responsible and take care of their classroom and public areas. This allows them to be more mindful and think for others in places other than home.It will also benefit them in the future as when they see litter outside they would not hesitate to pick them up, showing a sense of responsibility and care for the environment. With this, Singapore will then not be in the danger of becoming filled with rubbish and instead continue becoming a clean and green country.
In the past, there would be tissue paper and food packets on the floor in common spaces like the canteen, and now pupils are now more conscious about picking up litter and the common spaces in the school are much cleaner, with evidence from principal Constance. Such hands on work can also allow students to be more proactive in the future, allowing them to impart values and develop their holistic character. 

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