disability by Zhuoyun and Chenxin

I agree that it is essential for children with disabilities to be integrated into our mainstream education system.
In the first place, it is not the fault of a disabled child to be different from his peers, and even though some may comment that if a disabled child is allowed into the mainstream education system, it may just cause the child harm as he may not necessarily catch up academically. However, I view this differently. First and foremost, the initial reason that parents of a disabled child are troubled from numerous problems is that due to their child’s disability, they have to seek a different way of education, that apparently “suits to their child’s disability”. Instead, if a disabled child is allowed into the mainstream education system, all the parents have to do is just like any other Singaporean parent: to provide extra help for their child. This not only lightens the heavy load on a disabled child’s parents, but provides a way for the disabled child to grow into the society that would have seemed strange and foreign to the child, who grew up in the shelter with other disabled children. Education is not just based off academically, and holistic education is important for a child’s development, which is only when the child has an initial environment is he able to receive that very holistic education that he requires. Disabled children take up 2.7 percent of the younger population, and with the numerous educators specially trained for these children, these children are fully capable of being part of the mainstream education system. Furthermore, these disabled children will eventually be introduced into society, and if they live their childhood and student life distanced from their peers, they would find it even harder on them to fit well with their colleagues who have been taught through the mainstream education system. I also believe that some of the disabled children, whose disabilities are more physically based than mentally based are perfectly capable of fitting in with their peers. Even though they may not be capable of physical exercise, they are just like any other physically capable student, and deserve the opportunity to be integrated into the mainstream education system.
Hence, I agree that it is absolutely essential for children with disabilities to be integrated into our mainstream education system.

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